How to Level Up Your Self Care Day

Ok y'all, if you follow me on Instagram (which you really should @_.k.c) you would see that I post at least once a week little things I do in the name of #selfcare.
Now I'm no dictonary, but to me self care tings or days is something I do to relax my mind and body, while enjoying things that makes me feel special. Trust me, it doesn't have to be in the name of IG influencers and take shopping trips ever so often (but it can, if you want) but instead it could be simple things such as eating out for breakfast. So, I decided to write about what I do weekly, including some budget friendly tings of course.
First things first, I LOVEEEEE eating out. It doesn't matter if it's for breakfast, lunch, a snack nor dinner- when it comes to a Doordash order? IMMA PLACE IT. But recently I've been very strict with the financials because just looking back at my last semester in college it was ridiciulous the amount of money I spent on food, and I'm trying to actually use these groceries this semster so I eat out once a week-usually on the weekend and it's something I look forward to everyweek.
Next up, I enjoy pampering myself, I do my own pedicures at home. As far as my nails I'll do a manicure and top it off with some custom press on acrylic nails, or polish my own nails if I want them to breath. Now of course you can go to the nail shop and just get a full set and or pedicure, but like I said as a college student on a budget, when it comes to saving a dollar? IMMA DO THAT TOO. As part of pampering myself I also 'wax' and tint my own eyebrows with a nice bottle of Nair, and Just For Men in that color H-45 chile. I must say that the Nair does work miracles, but when it comes to the Just For Men it could be better with tinting the skin around the eyebrows and not just the hair. So if you have a solution for that I'm all ears.
This one maybe confusing but I like to lay in bed. Listen, as a college student who vows to be productive- it's been HARD. With having two on campus jobs, and taking 14 credit hours a week including homework, study groups, and some of these professor's outrageous attendance policy-I have to be all about school 5 days out of the week. So yes, on Saturday mornings or hell the whole Saturday period I just want to lay in the bed. And pair that with eating out and a bomb ass Netflix or Hulu show? I have the best Saturday ever.
Moving along, I'm a sucker for baths. Just filling the tub with hot water and dumping in a cup full of Dr. Teals Epson Salt and their Foaming Bath soak? I'm in Heaven. And I level it up by applying my face mask in the tub, make sure y'all are cleansing first! Something else to level off that hot bath or shower if you prefer would be to add Eucalyptus bunches around your shower head, the steam paired with the oils and aroma the bunches releases will leave you no choice but to relax. I'm telling y'all, I'm true to this-NOT new to this.
A minor thing I do while doing my Target runs is this whole purpose on why I'm doing this post. I love browsing the aisles for clearence things that I can utilize on my Saturday and Sunday such as face mask, bath bombs, snacks that I want to try, pajamas, wine glasses and even dog toys lol. I have a mini fridge full of jade face rollers, face masks, lip, eye, hand and foot masks and take my word when I say I put them to use okayyyy.
Let's backtrack a bit, remember when I said that self care can include shopping? Right, so to spend the block I will forever be a customer of Target. I don't know what Brian Cornell did to make that store so damn addicting (or maybe it's my employee discount) but I love going there with my little jumbo reuable Target bag and just filing up with some weekly necessities, such as paper towels, snacks and like I said before face masks and whatever else can go on this Capital One. Period.

Lastly, one thing that really does soothes me is being organized. So on Sunday's I would organize myself ahead for the week. What does this look like you might ask? Well, first I would write down all of my bills and any anticipated spending and then produce my budget. Next, I write out my to-do list (because this stuff be going in one ear and out the other chi) and lastly I make any online shopping carts such as FashionNova so that I can add and remove as much as I like before determing the final price and adding that to the budget as well. I would continue to cleaning with is mainly just washing and folding my dirty clothes, and disinfecting and dusting my bathroom. After that? I cook whatever I want, topped with a glass of Stella Rosa and the current episode of Power Book II playing until I fall asleep.
So just a little summary on how to level up your #Selfcare Day:
- Pamper yourself. This may include face mask, doing your whole beauty routine, getting your eyebrows waxed, getting a car detail and whatever else that makes you feel at peace. As long as the only thing you are thinking about is what you want to do next/how to make yourself feel even better? You're doing it right.
I think I'm going to finish it off by doing a giveaway on my Instagram (@_.k.c) of my own personal Self Care bundle, so make sure you follow me && stay tuned.
Ya Girl,
Khyra C
