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Candied Bacon

Taste so good, make you wanna slap ______.

Ok, so about two years ago I had the amazing pleasure of tasting the 'Million dollar bacon' from First Watch. I'm not one to really eat bacon outside of an omelette but this right here?! Amazing, the bacon was flavorful, sweet, spicy and smoky if it all makes sense. And for the longest time I strived to be able to create it at home without having to spend $5 for about 3 pieces every time I craved some.

So after many tries, and about 4 failed attempts of literally burning my apartment down, I finally made some amazing candied bacon. This recipe is for both the air fryer and oven, so make sure to follow along.

And get ready to make sure you always have a pack of bacon deck because trust me, you're going to be obsessed ✨.


- thick cut bacon

- brown sugar

- cayenne pepper

- black pepper


  1. Take your bacon and cut them in half with kitchen scissors.

  2. Take 1 cup per 5 halves of bacon of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of black pepper per 5 halves, and 1 tablespoon of cayenne pepper per 5 halves as well and put them all on a plate.

  3. Next, you are going to mix all of the ingredients (except the bacon) up on the plate.

  4. You're going to take one piece of bacon and press it on the mixture you made above. You'll turn the bacon over and press it again. If the mixture is not sticking, make sure you gather some of the mixture with your fingers and spread it over the bacon firmly on both sides.

  5. When each side of bacon has a nice amount of the mixture on both side, lay them on a oil rack in the air fryer (or an oiled pan for the oven) and repeat until all of your slices are done and covered.

  6. Now if you have any mixture left over just sprinkle it on all of the bacon pieces on the pan/rack.

  7. If you are using an air fryer make sure to cook at 450 degrees for 13 minutes, in an oven do the same temperature but for 15 minutes.

Now, when they are cooking you are going to see a weird process going on, you'll see that the mixture will start to gather on the pan or rack below the bacon, making it seem as though it's sliding off the bacon. Although it is essentially sliding off the bacon, do not freak out.

Also after the time that I listed above TAKE THAT DAMN BACON OUT OF THE OVEN!! I do not care if it don't look right or crispy enough, like I said I almost burned my apartment down 4 times trying to get the bacon to look "crispy".

You can leave it in there is you want to, but don't be coming for me if the whole building gotta evacuate because yo ass wanted some crispy bacon.

Trust me, it has happened before. 😅

Anywho, take the bacon out when I said so and leave it to sit for about 2 minutes. THAT'S when the bacon will become crispy.

Go back and read that agin.

By leaving the bacon out it's giving it time to cool and turn crispy so don't get it straight out and eat it almost instantly, first of all it's going to be hot as hell, secondly it's going to be very limp because the melted sugar is not cooled- in fact it's almost boiling.

After the bacon has cooled, voilà! There go yo 🥓!!!!!

I don't want to toot my own horn, but ya girl is really over here in this apartment becoming a whole CHEF. No but seriously, I am starting to cook all the time, and I post them often on my instagram (@_.k.c) , so go on there and check me out. If there is ever something that you want me to share the recipe let me know!

I'm going to be doing my famous French toast pretty soon, yes both versions, so make sure you come back and check it out!

Talk soon.



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Love ya girl, 

Khyra C

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